
Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 9AM - 5:30PM

Silver Members

Welcome…to the Silver Members Training Area. Let’s get you started on your amazing journey of Higher Self Mindset training.

Success Activation

Let’s clarify who I am before we start.

My name is Brett Young. I’m not a Life Coach. I don’t delve heavily into people’s personal issues. Althoigh not invasive, a little of this is necessary for students of 101 personal Coaching. Rather, I’m a Success Activation Coach.

What Is This?

Success Activation Coach is one who literally unlocks the true potential of your mind and prepares your psyche for a higher self mindset. Once you’ve achieved this, the world really is your Oyster. I’ll assist you to literally change the frequencies of your brain wave patterns. Beta, Alpha, Delta and Gamma. I’ll teach you how to change the frequencies of your brain, your heart, your chakras and many other facets of your life. You’ll become a brand new person. To be more accurate. You’ll have a higher self mindset.

You’ll learn how to synchronize your left and right brain hemispheres with the schumann resonance of the Earth and your Heart Chakra. Manifesting what you wanr from the Universe is then possible. It all started with people talking about “The Law Of Vibration and Attraction” and developed from there into more extensive research and developmemt to what it is today. Yet, it’s nothing new. In fact it pre-dates today’s knowledge by 5,000 years or more, with the Egyptians, the Mayans and many other Ancient civilizations.

You can access your first 2 training modules below right away for free in both 3D Flip form and and as a downloadable PDF. It’s so you can get a taste of what we’ll be offering with your personal empowerment course F.A.S.T when you join as a Silver Member.

To Gain Full Acess to the Silver Members area and Modules 3 to 6 of F.A.S.T you’ll need to activate your Silver Membership. To activate your Silver Membership with C.W.I. is easy.

Note: We’ll let you know when we’ve completed the Silver Members Area and finished connecting with Warrior Plus. Until then…you can simply join as a free Member.

As a Free Member you’ll have more privilege than a casual viewer. With access to more useful posts and resources.

Join here as a Free Member

Let’s Start Healing

Your Akashic Records


"CWI - Wealth Tuition - Frequency Healers"

Part 1 value of $119.90!

Read Module 1 Below in Flipbook

Module 1

Part 2 value of $119.90!

Read Module 2 Below in Flipbook

Module 2