How Much Can I Earn?
Category 1) Earn an incredible fortune!
Category 2) Earn an incredible living
Category 3) Earn a modest wage
Category 4) Earn a few crumbs
How Do I Achieve That?
If you follow the plan we have for you…you won’t have to worry about falling into category 4…unless you want to…yet why would you?For Free Affiliate Training
Click Here
Below are a few examples of the sort of income that you can make with Affiliate Marketing. There really is no income cap or ceiling. It’s possible for you to earn even more than this.
Without exaggerating, we’ll start with some examples of what can be achieved. If you have more time, or you’re not new to promoting a product or service on the internet, you’re likely to fit into Category 1. If you’re an internet newbie you’re likely to start at Category 3 and move quickly into Category 2.
Category 1
Time Investment: 6-10 Hours per weekClients Presented To In Full: 6 per hour
Clients Presented Total: 36 – 60 clients
Clients Converted @ 20%: 7 – 12 clients
For this example we’re using a Std Site Membership to C.W.I @ $49.00 NZD per month. For a commission earned @ 20% = $9.80. Conversions are approximated. Figures have been rounded up or down. These figures can work for any product, course or service that you’re promoting, including drop shipping.
Read the example right through to the end. You’ll be surprised how quickly your income compounds from week to week!
Clients Converted @ 20%: 7 – 12 clients
Membership Signups: @ 15% = 1 – 2
Membership Signups: @ 30% = 2 – 4
Income 1 converted @ 15% = $49.00 x 20% commission = $9.80 NZD = $9.80 x 1 = $9.80 p/mth or $9.80 x 2 = $19.60 NZD per month.
Income 2 converted @ 30% = $49.00 x 20% commission = $9.80 NZD = $9.80 x 2 = $19.60 p/mth or $9.80 x 4 = $39.20 NZD per month.
People don’t like to be sold. If you present well…they will buy from you.
Below we’re assuming that these clients will stay a member for at least 2 years. In actual fact, many of these clients may stay from anywhere from 1 month to decades ahead. Therefore 2 years is more than a fair figure to use.
Income 1 Results: @ 15% = $2.26 per week for 1 Membership and @ 15% = $4.52 per week for 2 Memberships x 24 (2 years) = for 1 Membership $54.24 and for 2 Memberships $108.48.
Income 2 Results: @ 30% = $4.52 per week for 2 Memberships and @ 30% = $9.05 per week for 4 Memberships x 24 (2 years) = for 2 Memberships $108.48 and for 4 Memberships $217.20.
1. Hrly $ = @ 6.0 – 10 = $9.04 – $10.85
2. Hrly $ = @ 6.0 – 10 = $10.85 – $21.72
Compounding Passive Income
Now see how fast this passive income compounds on a weekly basis. If we average only 8 hours per week. That’s because, up until 2 years later, for the same hours each week you’re adding your income from the previous week’s efforts! Although, the commissions don’t stop there. They continue building. So long as you’re putting in the same hours each week you’ll sustain this amount for years to come and even more. Let’s use the hourly average that we arrived at above @ 8 hours.
Week 1 = $9.95 – $16.29 p/hr
Week 2 = $19.90 – $32.58 p/hr
Week 3 = $29.85 – $48.87 p/hr
Week 4 = $39.80 – $65.16 p/hr
This example was achieved in just one month. Also with a low priced item!
Can you guess what your hourly rate would be in 1 year? For this example I’ve deducted 5 weeks for holidays you’ve had throughout the year. It’s a heck of a lot more. Just keep adding the figure from week 1!
Week 1 = $9.95 – $16.23 p/hr x 47
1st Year = $467.65 – $762.81 NZD p/hr!
That’s only 6 to 10 hours per week, done in the evenings, daytime, weekends or both! If none of the members had left within 2 years and even if they had you may have higher or lower conversions than this example. Each Affiliate’s results will vary.
Week 1 = $9.95 – $16.23 p/hr x 94
2nd Yr = $935.30 – $1,525.62 NZD p/ hr!
Who earns that in most jobs right?
Why Is Cat 1 A Big Deal?
Let’s see what that is in weekly income.
Income 1: $467.65 – $762.81 x 6 – 10 hours p.w.
= $2,805.90 – $7,628.10
= $131,877.30 – $358,520.70 NZD p/yr
(Over 47 wks)
See how much more income you earn, just by working an extra 4 hours per week! 2.72 x the income. It’s the compounding leverage factor that’s making you wealthy.
If you wish to become a millionaire in your first year. Working these hours makes it possible. Especially given that you only have to introduce a client to the lowest paid Membership which is Silver. That’s because each Member is required to apply for the next Membership level through the Member that introduced them to Silver. Thus, your income increases. Each time a Member upgrades to the next level. They must also apply in order to downgrade. In this way the Affiliate still keeps the income from their own clients safe and secure!
If you promote products twice or four times this value, it makes it even more viable. C.W.I’ promotes 4 levels of paid memberships. Promoting site memberships are a great way to ensure passive income. Obviously because your client’s are paying in every week, month or year. Depending on their payment plan.
A great communicator can make well over $1,000 NZD or USD per hour!
This can be just your initial bread and butter. Further on you’ll learn how you can boost this income, through other passive income programs, viral marketing and sales funnels.
C.W.I Gets You There Faster
Once you no longer have to work full time you’re free to invest in knowledge. I’ll shortcut this journey for you by recommending the exact books you need to read and software you can invest in to make this happen. You’ll be tapping some of the greatest minds on earth, especially those now passed.
Even better still. C.W.I is all about teaching you how to stop working long hours. By learning ancient sacred mind manifestation methods. You can learn techniques that ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians and the Mayans used in order to Astral travel, tap the Akasha and your own Akashic records and more. You’ll learn how to use your third eye pineal gland to literally program success. Hard coding financial and spiritual freedom into your life.
I’ll show you how to apply valuable techniques I’ve learned, in order to get you there faster than anyone. They’ll all be asking you how you did it and bingo there’s another open door for you!
$1 dollar is not worth the same to everyone. It very much depends whose hand’s it’s in. It’s value is directly proportionate to how much you can leverage it by!
Even before you hit Category 1 you can begin leveraging. Yet when you do, the sky’s the limit for your earning potential.
Cat 2 High Ticket Item
Time Investment: 3-5 Hours per weekClients Presented To In Full: 6 per hour
Clients Presented Total: 18 – 30 clients
Clients Converted @ 20%: 4 – 6 clients
For this example we’re promoting a 101 Self Improvement course created by an expert @ 3 payments of $495 USD per month. This is a typical pricing. Many courses are priced even higher than this. For a commission earned @ 30% = $495 x 3 = $1,485.00 = $445.50.
I‘m about to prove to you that you can’t believe all the hype about selling high ticket items. Many say it’s your most lucrative approach. Read all the way through the Cat 1 and Cat 2 examples. Then compare Cat 1 (Passive income) to Cat 2 (1 off high ticket sales). You’ll be surprised at the results!
Let’s say you’re promoting this course in the same way as previously mentioned. Yet the conversions are a little higher. Again, figures are approximate and rounded up or down.
Read the example right through to the end. You’ll be surprised at the results!
Clients Converted @ 20%: 4 – 6 clients
Course Purchased: @ 25% = 1 – 1.5
Course Purchased: @ 50% = 2 – 3
Income 1 converted @ 25% = $1,485.00 x 30% commission = $445.50 USD x 1 = $445.50 and x 1.5 = $668.25
Income 2 converted @ 50% = $1,485.00 x 30% commission = $445.50 USD x 2 = $891.00 and x 3 = $1,336.50
People don’t like to be sold. If you present well…they will buy from you.
Below we’re assuming that these clients will only purchase 1 time throughout our example year. This doesn’t mean they won’t buy from you again as you promote more products, after all “the money’s in the list”.
1 Results – Week 1: $445.50 – $668.25
2 Results – Week 1: $891.00 – $1,336.50
1. Hr $ = @ 3 – 5 = $148.50 – $133.65
2. Hr $ = @ 3 – 5 = $297.00 – $267.30
Your hourly rate has soared. Yet you’ve halved your hours. Effective time management is vital in getting ahead!
Note 2:
Notice how less productive you are in this case by extending your hours from 3 to 5. You’ll still make more money over the fiscal year. However, you must decide for yourself which option to take! Less of an hourly rate and a higher return or less of a return and a higher hourly rate!
But wait! These are 1 off sales and not recurring or passive income. You can literally make a fortune from passive recurring income instead. Read on…
High Ticket Item Profits
If we average only 4 hours per week. Let’s use the hourly average that we arrived at above @ 4 hours.
Week 1 = $222.75 – $200.48 p/hr
Week 2 = $222.75 – $200.48 p/hr
Week 3 = $222.75 – $200.48 p/hr
Week 4 = $222.75 – $200.48 p/hr …etc
This example was achieved from week 1 with a high ticket item!
Staggering but!
Although that’s only 4 hours per week, done in the evenings, daytime, weekends or both!
Why Is Cat 2 An Even Bigger Deal?
Because, although your hourly rate might be higher. In actual fact your income is lower…much much lower! That’s because it’s not passive compounding recurring income! It’s just 1 off sales days. Proving that those who tell you that high ticket items are “the way to go” haven’t done their homework!
Let’s see what that is in weekly income.
Income 1: $222.75 – $200.48 x 3 – 5 hours p.w = $668.25 – $1,002.40
= $31,407.75 – $47,112.80 per year
Now compare this to our Cat 1 passive income. Surprised?
= $131,877.30 – $358,520.70 per year
(Over 47 wks)
I‘ll leave you to do your own calculations on Categories 3 and 4. Personally, I believe if you’re serious about ‘class wealth’ and earning enough to make a difference in other people’s lives, after all that’s why you’re here, then you’ll invest at least 3-5 hours a week.
However, I understand some of you won’t have that time to invest right now. Don’t let that stop you from doing this. What really matters is that you make a start. Even if you only have 30 minutes to an hour per week, to do this, get started right away!
The point I’m illustrating here is push Memberships, even low priced ones. It soon compounds!
The C.W.I Affiliate program is FREE to join and promote. Membership is optional and highly recommended if you wish to learn and get ahead fast. Silver Membership is just $49 NZD per month!
This has to be the best online job out there and the fairest, as it has the best intentions for all involved. Get started today. It’s FREE!