What If You Worked Too Hard Your Entire Life To Achieve Your Goals Only To Discover You Never Had To. What If I Told You It Was Already Done!

For billions of us from all walks of life throughout many generations this is the only reality we ever knew. We were lied to. Nearly all records of modern history will have to be re-written.


Thanks to 'The Great Awakening'. Through the re-discovery of sacred ancient techniques that were hidden from us for thousands of years millions of individuals are now under-going an incredible mind transformation.


By re-employing these once known rapid mind transformation techniques, millions are achieving Spiritual and Financial growth at a phenomenal rate. With our higher self mindset training you can learn how to change your mindset and achieve success in your life faster than you ever thought possible. We are witnessing a miracle!

'Classwealthintl.com - The Secret -Wealth Manifestation'

Remember This?

Many of you will know the mass hysteria that followed the release of this book in 2006. After the movie by the same name, "The Secret" by Author Rhonda Byrne had sold more than 19 million copies by the spring of 2007, in more than 40 languages. More than 2 million DVD's were sold. The secret book and film have grossed $300 million.

Gain Access To Amazing Mind Transformation Techniques

C.W.I - empowers your financial/business and personal/spiritual development in a way not seen since ancient civilization. Employing breakthrough mind transformation techniques, learned from the ancients. Coupled with mind control experiments conducted by the C.I.A in 1983. Through much research and experimentation we've been able to master long forgotten techniques in mastering the higher self mindset.

'Classwealth Intl.com - How To Stop Working'
'Classwealthintl.com - Human Frequencies'

Learn How To Re-Encode Your Brain

Learn how to decalcify your pineal gland (third eye) and re-wire your brain. C.W.I takes you deeper into solving the Mindset mystery and how they've held us back than any other Mindset Coaching program. Deeper than ever before. That's because it's founder Brett Young has first hand experience, an entire lifetime in fact since the age of 9 years, as a T.I or 'targeted individual'. Was even implanted with an R.F.I.D in 1997 by alien Greys after he started writing a book on C.I.A coverups. This made it necessary for Brett to find ways to release his mind. His mind is now so powerful he can control the R.F.I.D and H.A.R.P frequencies at will. More on this later.

Become The Best You Can Awaken!

  • Resistance Is Futile Tenacity
  • R.I.F.T to Acceptance = 10 x Flow
  • How to work less & earn more
  • How to become a magnet for...
  • Wealth, good friends / times
  • How to identify frequency levels
  • What H.A.R.P is doing to you
  • How to control its effect on you
  • The Law of Vibation & Attraction
  • Why it's not working for some
  • How to take it to the next level
  • Common mistakes / false beliefs
  • How your past held you back
  • How to rewire past memories
  • How to tap the Akashic Records
  • Synch both brain hemispheres
  • With the Schumann Resonance

Techniques I've Created

Exclusive To Members

  • The Feed and Return Principle
  • The Gamma Tower Method
  • The Energy Draw Back Method
  • The Energy Debt Payback Method
  • The Silent Signal Tower Method
  • The Ilusory Swap Principle
  • The Energy Activation Mirror
  • The Expectation Payback Plan
  • The Covid Vax Effects Reversal
  • Truth Vs Lies - How To Tell [Opt]


  • These techniques - not complex
  • Some take longer than others
  • Results depend on many factors
  • Each progresses in their own time

Members Club


Gold Membership = $161

  • Offline membership Opt
  • Clubs start at 60 Members
  • As it grows it advances
  • Stage 1 = 60 = 1 Meet mthly
  • Stage 2 = 90 = 2 Meets mthly
  • Stage 3 = 120 = 1 Meet p/wk



  • Internationally eventually
  • 1st club - @ 60 Members
  • 5 Knotts Conference Hire
  • Tamaki Yacht Club
  • 30 Tamaki Drive
  • Hauraki Gulf Waterfront
  • Auckland - New Zealand


What's Included At 5 Knotts?

  • Before dinner / drinks
  • 30 Minute Seminar
  • 15 minute Q & A session
  • Members mix and discuss
  • 5 Star hot buffet dinner
  • 2 Free drink tickets
  • Wine or Champagne
  • Free hot coffee or tea
  • Free outdoor parking
  • 1 x Security Guard
  • 2 x Security Guards
  • Once 100 attend



  • The C.W.I Travel Club
  • We gather to discuss
  • The charities we love
  • Gifting 10% of our net $
  • C.W.I paying it forward
  • Work and travel together
  • Exotic locations globally
  • 5 + Star Hotels / B & B's
  • 5 + Star Luxury Cruises
  • See the world's hot spots
  • Vacations to remember
  • Make some great friends
  • Members entertainment
  • Work from home options
  • Become an Affiliate Pro
  • Opt but recommended
  • Photo was taken at 5 Knotts
'Classwealthintl.com - 5-Knotts - Meetings'

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'CWI - Frequency Healers Course - F.A.S.T - Parts 1 & 2 Free'

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Mission / Core Values

Members Club

Copyright © 2023 - C.W.I

Class Wealth International