Getting Ahead Needn’t Be
Long Work and Hard Hours
Think Again. If you think this is…then it is…but only for those who think that way…because you’ve made this way too complex to start.
If you truly know that something is easy, because you’ve been presented with the actual evidence, then what does it become…easy…right!
Throughout this page, I’m going to provide you with the proof, that anyone can do this, even complete beginners with no confidence and absolutely no experience on the internet!

First, let me break the process down even further. For those who want the basics. Here’s how simple this is…
1. Join the Warrior+Plus Affiliate Platform – FREE – These are the people that will pay you out on your commissions earned. You can do step 1 right away. For those promoting our local seminar/meeting club memberships – Our Membership buttons will be live with Warrior from between Dec 23′ – Jan 24′

2. Copy the personal Affiliate Link you’re given to a simple notepad or word document, or to your favourite text editor. Save it to your desktop. This is your life line. It’s your ticket to financial freedom. You’ll need frequent access to it!
3. Open a Facebook and Yahoo social network account, or login to your existing account/s.

Something important to take note of here. Your prospects will want to see some history. If it’s a new account with no friends, no photos and no posts, they may not necessarily trust you enough to do business with you. On the other hand, if your account has offensive language or content that is ‘too outrageous’, this may also put them off.
Mobile – Use the FB and Yahoo Apps to search for groups!

To achieve best results, if it’s ‘too way out there’ for most people, you would be better to start another fresh account and build it up as fast as possible, with content people can trust. This will work better if you start your own group, such as a ‘Make Money From Home’ group. Although, you should name it something more creative and original. Make it natural and believable.
Even though I’m about to show you how to achieve 7 figures, you don’t want your primary group to be called ‘the millionaire’s club’. You’re looking for people who want to ‘make some extra cash’ and/or ‘work from home’. For example, you could call it ‘Extra Income For Working Mums and Dads’.(Don’t name it exactly that, as many people are reading this page!).

4. Believe it or not…that’s the hardest part over! Now comes the easy part. Simply login 5 times a week (early, mid and late evenings are usually the best), observing the formula I’ve given you further down this page). Experiment, writing down which times, day and night worked the best. It depends on your country’s demographics. Simply chat online about their dreams and goals, their aspirations, mainly theirs not your own. Your best results will be with those you’re having fun chatting with. Break the ice. Get to know your prospects. When you feel the timing is right (experiment to learn), PM (private message), them your Affiliate Link. Let the website do the selling, unless you’re experienced. Even then, you should get them to the website first. BAM! Initial contact has been made.
Tip: Tell them “here’s the link…I shortened it”. You can shorten the entire url from “” to a fraction of that.
You can do that at –
There are three reasons why we do this;
- To shorten the url
- To disguise the actual url
- Less chance of being blocked
1. The shorter the url, the shorter the message.
2. If the original url (web address), is disguised it leaves more intrique in the client’s mind.
“What’s all this about I wonder”
The client clue as to what the actual intended destination page really is.
3. Search bots and link checking bots are more likely to pass you through. I’ve turned links that wouldn’t work on Facebook into short links that got through. As software becomes smarter with A.I it’s going to get tougher. That said, we’re also winning the freedom war a little more each year on social community platform freedom and commercial privacy rights.

5. Sales are normally made in the follow up. This is what distinguishes a Pro from an Amateur. The Pro doesn’t operate willy nilly. The Pro records initial contacts. 2nd, 3rd etc. Be prepared to make contact again, up to 7-8 times. Stagger these. You don’t want to be pushy. Normally, no more than one session per day with the same prospect. Give them time to digest the website. NEVER be rude, judge them or use sarcastic threats to hurry them along. If they aren’t interested ‘move on with confidence’. Don’t get depressed! You may need a little more practice as practice makes perfect! You can try them a few months later, as they may want proof of your income before they join. Don’t be offended if they doubt you. Always be confident that you have the solution, yet always be humble about it also!
The sale is in the follow up. Yet remember, this program will sell itself if you chat naturally and gain their trust.

Let’s review how simple it is!
1. Join the Warrior+Plus Affiliate Program – Free2. Copy the personal Affiliate Link you’re given to a simple notepad or word document, or to your favourite text editor. Save it to your desktop.
3. Open a Facebook and Yahoo social network account, or login to your existing account/s.
4. Simply login 5 times a week (early, mid and late evenings are usually the best), observing the formula I’ve given you further down this page). Break the ice. Get to know your prospects. When you feel the timing is right (experiment to learn), PM (private message), them your Affiliate Link.
5. Sales are normally made in the follow up. You can skip this to begin with, if you’re not yet confident. Yet, learning this step will greatly improve your results!
That’s it – just 5 easy steps!
The Success Formula
How To Hit It Right Out Of The Park!

The only reason most people haven’t earned 6, even 7 figures, in a single year and/or made this their annual income standard is because they’ve been conditioned by society and/or family and friends to believe that either they aren’t capable of achieving this standard in their own life, or that they aren’t worthy of earning this much income in the first place. Of course, the only other plausible explanation is that no-one has shown them, how without any experience necessary, they can achieve this in the first place!
Sweep any fears you may have aside. I’m about to show you how you can achieve this without even breaking a sweat! It’s purely statistics mixed with one important ingredient…
Before I do. Allow me to tell you an interesting story in history. This story perfectly illustrates my point about ‘the eternal internal power of self belief’. Imagine what you can achieve by applying this principle to your own way of thinking, to anything you’ll do in life, from now until the time you finally leave this mortal coil, planet Earth. For those of us who have discovered proof of re-incarnation, even beyond this lifetime!
The Power & Importance
Of Self Belief
On the 6th of May 1954, with minimal training whilst training as a junior doctor, a man by the name of Roger Bannister, later bestowed ‘Sir Roger Bannister’ with a knighthood, achieved the four minute mile. His record stood for just 46 days before it was broken. Prior to this no-one thought it was possible. The four minute mile has since been broken by over 1,400 male athletes!
Songwriters: Brian Philip Nash / Holly Johnson / Mark William O’toole / Peter Gill / Rudy Perez The Power of Love lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group, BMG Rights ManagementThe Power Of Love
I’ll protect you from the hooded claw. Keep the vampires from your door.
‘Frankie Goes To Hollywood’
I…feels like fire. I’m so in love with you. Dreams are like angels, they keep bad at bay…bad at bay. Love is the light, scaring darkness away…e.ay. Yeah…
I’m so in love with you, purge the soul. Make love your goal.
The power of love, a force from above, cleaning my soul. Flame on burn desire. Love with tongues of fire, purge the soul. Make love your goal.
I’ll protect you from the hooded claw. Keep the vampires from your door. When the chips are down, I’ll be around. With my undying, death defying love for you. Envy will hurt itself. Let yourself be beautiful…
Sparkling love, flowers and pearls and pretty girls. Love is like an energy. Rushin’ in, rushin’ inside of me. Yeah…
The power of love, a force from above, cleaning my soul. Flame on burn desire. Love with tongues of fire, purge the soul. Make love your goal.
This time we go sublime. Lovers entwine, divine, divine. Love is danger, love is pleasure. Love is pure, the only treasure.
I’m so in love with you, purge the soul. Make love your goal.
The power of love, a force from above, cleaning my soul. The power of love, a force from above, a sky-scraping dove.
Flame on burn desire. Love, with tongues of fire, purge the soul. Make love your goal.
I’ll protect you from the hooded claw. Keep the vampires from your door.

Love Yourself – Believe In Yourself
In 2003 I convinced myself that I could be number 1 in the world for ‘wealth tuition’. In fact, I invested so much personal faith, confidence and energy in this belief that I held 1st to 4th position, usually 1st, on the Google search engine for over 13 years. I achieved this with no formal training or qualifications in web design and I achieved it with a fairly basic html website that I created from scratch, using nothing more than a basic html template.
Recently I dropped that domain, in favour of a new domain name and I’ve achieved it again within 1 year. The new website is only in its infancy as an online University. Yet, it ranks in 1st position in the world, ranking consistently in 1st place on Google, for the new niche term ‘affiliate wealth tuition’. Results have been as high as nearly 40 million links. You’ll find (currently as at Dec 23′), WTA University, outranking all other online Universities at…
It’s now been displaced to second position by this website you’re reading Class Wealth Intl which is linked to another website I’m re-designing which ranks 3rd to 4th in the world for the search term “higher self mindset”, usually below the 2nd place holder Mind Valley. The search results for “higher self mindset” have been as high as 262 million results.
Don’t let anyone tell you what you can and can’t achieve. I’m self taught and I build all my websites myself. Up until the time of writing this, December 2023.
Smartphone View
10th April 2019
Desktop View
10th April 2019

Sometimes it will drop from page 1, as people’s personal search requirements change even daily. Yet, more often than not you’ll find it ranking on page 1 and even 1st and 2nd place.
I‘m not telling you all this to impress you. I’m telling you to impress upon you that making a 6-7 figure income online is 20% effort, or even less and 80% faith and knowledge on how to do this. Once you have the formula, it’s like learning to ride a bike. Once you know how, you wonder why you feared it. Instead, now you embrace it. “Hey…I can do this. This is easy!”
The Pareto Principle
I understand this game. So you want to know if you can do this and can you trust what I’m telling you?! Allow me to provide you with the absolute proof that…
This is how easy it is
to actually make…
1. A six figure income annually2. A seven figure income annually
What’s more…you can actually achieve this within a short time frame of 12 months or less, if you stick with the exact formula that I’m about to show you!
If you have the right recipe…even without any experience…it’s easy to bake a cake!
Making a fantastic lifestyle living from this program doesn’t need to be complex. In fact, that’s the number 1 reason newbies fail to achieve a 6 or 7 figure income. They make things too complex and lack internal self belief.
For this reason, many fail to get started out of fear that it’s difficult when it’s not!

STEP 1. Put 36 minutes aside throughout the day or night – 5 days a week. This must be a complete 36 minutes…no less…with NO distractions at all. Attention to your subjects is important. Go online with a suitable Facebook and Yahoo account. You can start with just FB if you like, at first. You can also experiment with Pinterest, Instagram, Tik Tok, YouTube and many others. Start with Facebook at first.Just do what you would normally do, chat online. Chat with people seeking a part time or full time income online. They don’t know you so there’s no need to be nervous at all. All you’re going to do is give them your personal affiliate link. You can get one FREE.
See above for how
Once you’ve copied your free affiliate link…you’re going to give this to people online who are seeking money online. It will direct them to our site. You’ll do this using messenger, by using a PM or ‘private message’ to them. Never spam your link to their posts page. You’ll earn a bad reputation for you and our site. It’s not polite and it’s seen as spam. You’ll soon start to get banned by Facebook, Yahoo etc. Now here’s how to find clients fast.Mobile – Use the FB and Yahoo Apps to search for groups!

You’re going to search specifically for Facebook and Yahoo groups. You’ll have to join many of them first, so that’s your first task.
If you have just a personal page, with no business affiliations (unless they specify you must have 1 to join), you’re likely to get accepted faster, as they won’t think you’re searching for income seekers. It’s not officially stealing. Remember you’re asking members of their group to PM with you which requires their personal permission. Once they reply to your PM, they’re interested! This also keeps within the guidelines of acceptable online protocol which is very important.
The best groups are closed ‘by invitation only’ (you must ask to join), or open groups (anyone can join), that are generally about ‘making money online’, where no specific program is targeted!

STEP 2. You’ve put in 5 x 36 minute sessions. Here’s the best part! We’re using the reliable Pareto Principle, the 80/20 rule, that states that approximately 80% of your business will come from 20% of your clientele!
5 x 36 minute sessions = 180 minutes = 3 hrs.
You’ll allow no more than 10 minutes for each person that you PM (private message). That means ‘actual text conversation’, not just sending a link. Don’t make it complex. The less you say the better. If you have sales skills, you can bullet ‘hot buttons’. If not…just sound enthusiastic!
180 minutes / 10 minutes = 18 clients PM’d.
You’ll do this for 6 mths (26 weeks).
18 x 26 weeks = 468 PM’s so far.
468 x 20% = 93.6 clients – who are serious about your business product or service.
Let’s choose an example. We’ll say you’re promoting a C.W.I Silver Club Membership. Or any affiliate product you find within the Affiliate’s Marketplace that’s worthy of promotion. For this example only our product has a retail price of $49.95 NZD.
Rounded off – 94 Pro Clients x $24.95 NZD (50% commission on $49.95) = $2,345.30
$2,345.30 / 4.333 (weeks in a calendar month), rounded off = approximately $541.26 p.w.
At an exchange rate of $1 NZD = $0.61 USD
That’s $331.74 USD.
That’s some nice pocket cash so far, for working just 3 hours per week!
Yet, here comes the real benefits…

STEP 4. Your Pro Members, who are serious about doing business, are what’s called in this business your ‘gold nuggets’. For these are the individuals who will contribute the most to your income.
Now…although we haven’t completed the Pro Members area yet…it will be released very soon. This will be approximately around the end of Dec 2023 to January 2024.. There’s no time to waste. By getting your clients to become an Affiliate of this site now, you’ll be in the best position (in this instance), to take advantage of our site’s Pro Membership release launch. Any Affiliates you sign up now will get caught up in the excitement of participating in CWI’s (Class Wealth International’s), ‘Official Launch’, within the ‘wealth tuition’ industry online!
How To Retire
A Millionaire
In 5 to 10 Years
For Just 2 to 3 Hours P.W!

This section is for the really ambitious who can’t or won’t believe that it’s possible with affiliate marketing to become a millionaire within 5 to 10 years or even less. It’s also for those who already believe that they can achieve this awesome goal and help C.W.I to assist others in need.
Two 19 year old students made $1 miilion USD in one single day by promoting a niche product to a large list of buyers hungry for their product. They were even invited by the President of the United States (Barak Obama at the time), to receive an award for their fantastic contribution to the American economy. They achieved this by selling digital products through Clickbank University, no doubt using sales funnels.
Let’s take a look at one example of what’s possible. Use the method I explained above, to find hungry client’s who want/need your product or service.
I‘ve deliberately kept all figures used in this example to a modest level. Noone can say “oh yeah but those figures aren’t realistic”. In actual fact, they’re more than realistic. Most of you should be able to achieve this within a 5 year period. We have netpreneurs who are making millions of dollars per year.
According to Bloomberg, America is witnessing the creation of over 1,000 new millionaires every day
In actual fact, the face of netpreneurs is changing extremely rapidly. Most of the names on the veteran’s top affilate marketers list. We’re talking early to mid 2,000’s. Marketers we used to look up to and still do aren’t known to internet newbies at all.
It’s important to recognize the skills and new ideas that these veteran marketers brought to light, for they made way for the new generation of netpreneurs post 2020. Many of these individuals, although now less known, still make a constant reappearance. Such as Russell Brunson, who started his first company whilst wrestling in college. Today, a millionaire.
You may wonder why many of these netpreneurs aren’t making much of an appearance these days. The fact is, they don’t need to. Not only are they being shadowed by new netpreneurs who are going in “all guns a blazing”. They’re already semi-retired becaise ‘they’re millionaires’!
C.W.I’s Motive
Class Wealth International wasn’t created out of a love for money. It was created to assist all individuals, partners, groups, families etc to understand themselves better and to create a safer world for all with no poverty. Yet, how are any of us supposed to achieve this if we can only support ourselves?
Wealth used appropriately is an extremely effective tool for decreasing crime and poverty. To feed our nations and decrease the possibility of war. You can play your part in this global peace renaissance. The figures I’ve used below are conservative and achievable.
Here’s a couple of great articles to get you motivated. They’ll help you to see how exciting your netpreneur metamorphosis can truly be!
Motivation 1:
“Top Affiliate Marketers That Profited From Their Online Presence“
Motivation 2:
“The Rise Of Internet Millionaires: Understanding The Phenomenon“
Your New
Retirement Plan
180 minutes / 10 minutes = 18 clients PM’d.
You’ll do this for 6 mths (26 weeks).
18 x 26 weeks = 468 PM’s so far.
20% of 468 = 94 Clients (gold nuggets)
1st Year:
Let’s say that your 94 gold nuggets (serious clients), or more will spend approximately $19.95 USD per week on Pro Membership products and services. These are tools, software and resources that give them the ability to double or triple their income.
It’s an attractive carrot that’s dangling. Research shows that if Affiliates know these are a great investment, they don’t hesitate to snap them up!
94 x $19.95 = $1,875.30
$1,875.30 x 50% (your commission) = $937.65
For the average income earner that’s already a full time income.
$937.65 x 52 weeks = $48,757.80 in your first year. Of course, it will be more than this because your client database will increase throughout the year, even with attrition.
You created a database in 26 weeks of 94 gold nuggets which was 20% of 468 clients that you chatted with.
180 minutes ÷ 10 minutes = 18 clients PM’d. 18 x 26 weeks = 468.
We double this figure for a whole year’s work but let’s say attrition (those that stop buying or leave), are then deducted.
Using the Pareto Principle we’ll deduct 20%. So we’re left with 94 x 2 = 188 less 20% who leave or stop buying = 188 – 38 = 150.
You now have 150 Gold Nuggets
2nd Year
Let’s say that your 150 gold nuggets (serious clients), or more will spend approximately $19.95 USD per week on Pro Membership products and services. These are tools, software and resources that give them the ability to double or triple their income.
150 x $19.95 = $2,992.50
$2,992.50 x 50% (your commission) = $1,496.25
$1,496.25 x 52 weeks = $77,805.00 in your second year. Of course, it will be more than this because your client database will increase throughout the year, even with attrition.
It’s been 2 years now and you’ve already created a database of 150 gold nuggets.
If we commit to this habit of keeping the same hours we’ll add the following…
180 minutes ÷ 10 minutes = 18 clients PM’d. 18 x 52 weeks = 936 new clients. Your new gold nuggets are 936 x 20% = 187.
150 Existing + 187 New Clients = 337 Clients.
Using the Pareto Principle we’ll deduct 20%. So we’re left with 337 less 20% who leave or stop buying. 337 – 67 = 270 Total Clients.
You now have 270 Gold Nuggets
3rd Year
Let’s say that your 270 gold nuggets (serious clients), or more will spend approximately $19.95 USD per week on Pro Membership products and services. These are tools, software and resources that give them the ability to double or triple their income.
270 x $19.95 = $5,386.50
$5,386.50 x 50% (your commission) = $2,693.25
$2,693.25 x 52 weeks = $140,049 USD in your third year. Of course, it will be more than this because your client database will increase throughout the year, despite attrition.
It’s been 3 years now and you’ve already created a database of 270 gold nuggets. Of course we’re not even adding the revenue that’s coming in from the rest of your clients!
If we commit to this habit of keeping the same hours we’ll add the following…
180 minutes ÷ 10 minutes = 18 clients PM’d. 18 x 52 weeks = 936 new clients. Your new gold nuggets are 936 x 20% = 187.
270 Existing + 187 New Clients = 457 Clients.
Using the Pareto Principle we’ll deduct 20%. So we’re left with 457 less 20% who leave or stop buying. 457 – 91 = 366 Total Clients.
You now have 366 Gold Nuggets
4th Year
Let’s say that your 366 gold nuggets (serious clients), or more will spend approximately $19.95 USD per week on Pro Membership products and services. These are tools, software and resources that give them the ability to double or triple their income.
366 x $19.95 = $7,301.70
$7,301.70 x 50% (your commission) = $3,650.85
$3,650.85 x 52 weeks = $189,844.20 USD in your fourth year. Of course, it will be more than this because your client database will increase throughout the year, despite attrition.
It’s been 4 years now and you’ve already created a database of 366 gold nuggets. Of course we’re not even adding the revenue that’s coming in from the rest of your clients!
If we commit to this habit of keeping the same hours we’ll add the following…
180 minutes ÷ 10 minutes = 18 clients PM’d. 18 x 52 weeks = 936 new clients. Your new gold nuggets are 936 x 20% = 187.
366 Existing + 187 New Clients = 553 Clients.
Using the Pareto Principle we’ll deduct 20%. So we’re left with 553 less 20% who leave or stop buying. 553 – 111 = 442 Total Clients.
You now have 442 Gold Nuggets
5th Year
Let’s say that your 442 gold nuggets (serious clients), or more will spend approximately $19.95 USD per week on Pro Membership products and services. These are tools, software and resources that give them the ability to double or triple their income.
442 x $19.95 = $8,817.90
$8,817.90 x 50% (your commission) = $4,408.95
$4,408.95 x 52 weeks = $229,265.40 USD in your fifth year. Of course, it will be more than this because your client database will increase throughout the year, despite attrition.
It’s been 5 years now and you’ve already created a database of 442 gold nuggets. Of course we’re not even adding the revenue that’s coming in from the rest of your clients!
If we commit to this habit of keeping the same hours we’ll add the following…
180 minutes ÷ 10 minutes = 18 clients PM’d. 18 x 52 weeks = 936 new clients. Your new gold nuggets are 936 x 20% = 187.
442 Existing + 187 New Clients = 629 Clients.
Using the Pareto Principle we’ll deduct 20%. So we’re left with 629 less 20% who leave or stop buying. 629 – 126 = 503 Total Clients.
You now have 503 Gold Nuggets
6th Year
Let’s say that your 503 gold nuggets (serious clients), or more will spend approximately $19.95 USD per week on Pro Membership products and services. These are tools, software and resources that give them the ability to double or triple their income.
503 x $19.95 = $10,034.85
$10,034.85 x 50% (your commission) = $5,017.43
$5,017.43 x 52 weeks = $260,906.36 USD in your sixth year. Of course, it will be more than this because your client database will increase throughout the year, despite attrition.
It’s been 6 years now and you’ve already created a database of 503 gold nuggets. Of course we’re not even adding the revenue that’s coming in from the rest of your clients!
If we commit to this habit of keeping the same hours we’ll add the following…
180 minutes ÷ 10 minutes = 18 clients PM’d. 18 x 52 weeks = 936 new clients. Your new gold nuggets are 936 x 20% = 187.
503 Existing + 187 New Clients = 690 Clients.
Using the Pareto Principle we’ll deduct 20%. So we’re left with 690 less 20% who leave or stop buying. 690 – 138 = 552 Total Clients.
You now have 552 Gold Nuggets
7th Year
It’s safe to say that in 7 years this spend will have increased to double this. Due to your more professional business skills plus the cost of living increases. However, let’s increase this to a modest $29.95 instead!
Let’s say that your 552 gold nuggets (serious clients), or more will spend approximately $29.95 USD per week on Pro Membership products and services. These are tools, software and resources that give them the ability to double or triple their income.
552 x $29.95 = $16,532.40
$16,532.40 x 50% (your commission) = $8,266.20
$8,266.20 x 52 weeks = $429,842.40 USD in your seventh year. Of course, it will be more than this because your client database will increase throughout the year, despite attrition.
It’s been 7 years now and you’ve already created a database of 552 gold nuggets. Of course we’re not even adding the revenue that’s coming in from the rest of your clients!
If we commit to this habit of keeping the same hours we’ll add the following…
180 minutes ÷ 10 minutes = 18 clients PM’d. 18 x 52 weeks = 936 new clients. Your new gold nuggets are 936 x 20% = 187.
552 Existing + 187 New Clients = 739 Clients.
Using the Pareto Principle we’ll deduct 20%. So we’re left with 739 less 20% who leave or stop buying. 739 – 148 = 591 Total Clients.
You now have 591 Gold Nuggets
8th Year
Let’s say that your 591 gold nuggets (serious clients), or more will spend approximately $29.95 USD per week on Pro Membership products and services. These are tools, software and resources that give them the ability to double or triple their income.
591 x $29.95 = $17,700.45
$17,700.45 x 50% (your commission) = $8,850.23
$8,850.23 x 52 weeks = $460,211.96 USD in your eighth year. Of course, it will be more than this because your client database will increase throughout the year, despite attrition.
It’s been 8 years now and you’ve already created a database of 591 gold nuggets. Of course we’re not even adding the revenue that’s coming in from the rest of your clients!
If we commit to this habit of keeping the same hours we’ll add the following…
180 minutes ÷ 10 minutes = 18 clients PM’d. 18 x 52 weeks = 936 new clients. Your new gold nuggets are 936 x 20% = 187.
591 Existing + 187 New Clients = 778 Clients.
Using the Pareto Principle we’ll deduct 20%. So we’re left with 778 less 20% who leave or stop buying. 778 – 156 = 622 Total Clients.
You now have 622 Gold Nuggets
9th Year
Let’s say that your 622 gold nuggets (serious clients), or more will spend approximately $29.95 USD per week on Pro Membership products and services. These are tools, software and resources that give them the ability to double or triple their income.
622 x $29.95 = $18,628.90
$18,628.90 x 50% (your commission) = $9,314.45
$9,314.45 x 52 weeks = $484,351.40 USD in your ninth year. Of course, it will be more than this because your client database will increase throughout the year, despite attrition.
It’s been 9 years now and you’ve already created a database of 622 gold nuggets. Of course we’re not even adding the revenue that’s coming in from the rest of your clients!
If we commit to this habit of keeping the same hours we’ll add the following…
180 minutes ÷ 10 minutes = 18 clients PM’d. 18 x 52 weeks = 936 new clients. Your new gold nuggets are 936 x 20% = 187.
622 Existing + 187 New Clients = 809 Clients.
Using the Pareto Principle we’ll deduct 20%. So we’re left with 809 less 20% who leave or stop buying. 809 – 162 = 647 Total Clients.
You now have 647 Gold Nuggets
10th Year
It’s safe to say that in 10 years this spend will have increased to at least double this. Due to your more professional business skills plus the cost of living increases. So let’s increase this to $39.90
Let’s say that your 647 gold nuggets (serious clients), or more will spend approximately $39.90 USD per week on Pro Membership products and services. These are tools, software and resources that give them the ability to double or triple their income.
647 x $39.90 = $25,815.30
$25,815.30 x 50% (your commission) = $12,907.65
$12,907.65 x 52 weeks = $671,197.80 USD in your tenth year. Of course, it will be more than this because your client database will increase throughout the year, despite attrition.
It’s been 10 years now and you’ve now created a database of at least 647 gold nuggets. Of course we’re not even adding the revenue that’s coming in from the rest of your clients!
If we commit to this habit of keeping the same hours we’ll add the following.
You now have at least 647 Gold Nuggets
Youre now an Affiliate Pro making $671,197.80 USD per anum!
That’s a staggering $1,094,502.24 NZD!
Now You’re A Millionaire
With Ample $$
To Travel The World!
You did this, by investing only 36 minutes a day for 5 days a week! Many of you replaced your job of relative slavery, working long hours for low pay within 60 to 90 days. For some of you it took a little longer. Perhaps 6 to 12 months. Imagine what would happen, if you boosted this to 2 hours a day in the second half of your first year in business!
Many of you should be able to accomplish this in 5 years or less. Why is this?
In this business you have to understand the powerful compounding factor of this style of marketing.
1. The compounding factor of sales funnels means your client will purchase O.T.O’s or One Time Offers throughout the sales process. Thus boosting your profits.
2. In this business there’s a saying. “The money’s in the list”. As your Client database grows so does the list of prospects that you can sell to. Each time you release a new product, especially a hot Warrior Plus or JVZoo product, you’ve got an instant database of Clients that will buy from you. You’ve built their trust over a period of time!
3. As you become more of an expert at this you’ll find that you’ll be able to move “big ticket items”. Promoting products as much as $695 to $1495 plus, with returns of 30 to 60% commission will return huge pay days for you. Especially when they have a sales funnel attached!
10x Your Career
The 4 Hour
Work Week
What sort of job can you do for just 3 or 4 hours a week and earn that sort of income…right?!

I get it! Like me…you’ve been burned before. Like me…many of you will have tried affiliate program after program, with little or no success. Some of you may have spent thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of your hard earned cash, trying to achieve financial independence. Am I right?
Enough is enough. I’ve put my best foot forward, to provide you with proof that you can tap into two of the highest online incomes, ‘affilliate marketing’ and one of the fastest growing industries in the world, ‘self improvement’ or ‘higher self mindset’. Making money from home for just a few hours a week! Google them and you’ll see what I mean! To make it work and all come together faster you can promote not just ‘high ticket’ products that I’ll soon be adding, like other ‘top online affiliate programs’. You can also tap the ‘lower end market’ starting today or tonight.
Unlike many unaffordable programs available, I’ve made it possible for your clients to start from as little as $49.00 NZD approximately $30 – $35 USD depending on the exchange rate. At CWI we do things very differently…we’re here for you and we’re not out to rob you blind but help you. In fact…you can become financially independent without investing a single dime, starting with $ zero.
So you say…skip all the hype…show me how easy this REALLY is or I’m outa here…right? Well, I had to give you a rather lengthy plan to show you how this compounds. Yet, hopefully I’ve also shown you how easy this is. It doesn’t have to be complex. However, for this to work you’ll have to develop and nurture 7 personality traits. If you don’t have these you’ll have to acquire them.
The 10 Business
With respect to the real Commandments. I created 10 Business Commandments and personal attributes that I believe are vital to follow and nurture to ensure rapid success within any business venture.
1. Patience
2. Consistency
3. Perseverence
4. Dedication To Follow Up
5. Loyalty To All Your Clients
6. Honesty and Integrity
7. Workflow Ethics / Life Balance
8. The Higher Self Mindset
9. A Positive Belief System – From (8)
10. Tithe “I Need To Repay The Universe”
Develop these attributes to emulate other’s success. If you want more help in this area I can help. You can get my first two modules on Higher Self Mindset training FREE – Click Here
If it’s 101 personal training you want. You can book 15 minute sessions with me. Your first session is FREE – Click Here
Above everything – don’t procrastinate!
Get started now. You can develop these traits along the way. The longer you wait, the longer you’ll stay in the J.O.B (just over broke), lifestyle and mindset! You must absolutely develop the belief that it’s your God given birthright to live in abundance. So long as you’te giving back to the Universe, not just expecting to receive. Gratitude is a powerful device to moving forwards rapidly. The Universe knows when you’re ungrateful.
Tip: Even when you’re tight with funds, shout yourself a coffee. Give to a donation jar. Your consciousness will continue to believe that you’re broke if you’re saying to yourself “damn…I wish I could afford that”. The result? It will pass into your sub consciousness mind and reinforce the poverty mindset. Be sensible with this approach. If you’re tight on funds don’t buy fancy new shoes or a new vase for your lounge. Be frugal but don’t be tight. When you do get a gift from someone. Put 10% of its value into your tithing account. Make a point of paying it forward. You’ll be surprised how effective this is in returning a blessing to you!
A Little History
Now, before you think…heck I have to do this?…relax…you don’t! I just want to share with you, a little of my internet background and what I personally experienced. Prior to discovering the more simple sure fire way to success. You won’t have to do this but you can learn more by reading this section.

Heck, with no experience and feeling somewhat anxious I got my first computer in 2000. I eventually taught myself WordPress. At first, I started creating html sites, back in 2002 and 2003. The very 1st site I created in html soon went to number one on the major search engines, for the search term ‘wealth tuition’. Google search listed it, most of the time in 1st to 4th place for 13 years, due to its effective SEO (search engine optimisation). How did I manage this without ever upgrading the site?
I featured words and phrases that I knew people would be searching in search engines for years to come. I often placed these words and phrases, without over doing them, in italics or single/double quotation marks. Sometimes in bold. That way the search engine’s robots or bots (the software that scans your sites), would know that I had placed emphasis on certain words, terms and even paragraphs.
Big deal…you say. Here’s the thing. At the end of the day it is, but why? People will take you more seriously if you have a win right? What happened in the music scene, when rapper Eminem hit the charts with. ‘Eight Mile’ or Susan Boyle went from housewife to superstar overnight? Or our local ‘home grown’ artist Lorde put New Zealand on the map, with that most awesome song ‘Royals’?! N.Z made world headlines when the beautiful superstar Shania Twain and her ex-husband purchased a large block of land in the South Island of New Zealand in 2004 for $21.5 million, now solely owned by her ex-husband a record producer. (Full Story)
Always add content like this to increase your google ranking and internet reach. ALWAYS open the link in a fresh window. You don’t want your viewers to lose interest in your site and it’s bad business to expect them to re-open your website and re-find their place. It’s incredible how many web designers still make this mistake! Google it. I want you to want to learn this stuff, if you wish to have your own business that is. For now, you only need to hand out your affiliate link and generate some cash and clients of course.
I had success with search engine placement for 13 years with that first site and it was only an old html site. So, why wasn’t I successful? Because, it took me many more years to learn some of the most vital aspects of owning and running my own online business. Remember though; you don’t need to do this. I’m just letting you know the value of being able to learn these things, so that if you want to be a successful online entrepreneur with your own products, you can be. Here’s the deal with becoming a ‘wealthy affiliate’. Before I tell you though, did you notice what I did just then? I placed ‘wealthy affiliate’ in inverted commas. You see, they are one of my competitors. By emphasizing that term I’m literally ‘legally stealing’ some of their traffic. So, if anyone searches for their program, this website may just feature in their search results! Like I said earlier…here’s the deal!
I‘ve shown you the proof that your income can be $1,000,000 that’s $1 million a year! What’s more…you can do this by putting in only 36 minutes a day / 5 days a week, that’s just 3 hours a week, for up to 6 months.
What if your Pro Members don’t spend that much on a weekly or monthly cycle? It makes no difference and here’s why. Just change your calculations to meet your goals. What if you increased the time you invested in the second half of the year to just 1 hour 12 minutes a day, for another 6 months? That’s just 6 hours a week!
The figures don’t lie! Do the calculations…
Remember the Pareto principle we discussed earlier!

The Pareto Principle (also known as the 80/20 rule, the law of the vital few, or the principle of factor sparsity) states that, for many events, roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. … Pareto developed both concepts in the context of the distribution of income and wealth among the population. (Full Article)
If you were to at least double your efforts in the second half of the year, you could accrue $1 Million a year within a five year period in this online business, even if your conversions were less than what we displayed earlier on in this page. That’s because of the compounding factor. The more Clients you can accrue at the beginning, the faster your results will be further on down the line!
How To Accrue $70 Million In 12 Years From Just 108 People P.W Without Playing Powerball!
You don’t think it’s even possible right?

Think again. For in my upcoming Master Class series I’ll show you just how achievable this really is and the answer may surprise you!
The odds of winning the Euromillions Jackpot, for example, are 1 in 139,838,160 (if all of your numbers were drawn). Not good odds at all!
What if I was to show you a sure-fire way of actually legitimately earning $70 Million USD (over $100 million NZD), from just 108 people p.w!!
Don’t believe me? Did you know that my main competitor’s online organization in higher self mindset coaching brings in over $100 Million USD per anum! What’s more. They were only founded in 2002!
It’s all about leveraging the time you have available and also pulling organic traffic. It’s also about learning how to profit from a niche market and how to sell what’s in high demand. It’s all in my upcoming Master Class series. In the meantime…
How To Earn An Extra
$304.64 P.W in 90 Days From
C.W.I Memberships
To quadruple this and make this full time in 90 days (or less), the trick is to have your own Professional looking online website and products. I say below that we’re going to use the example of just promoting C.W.I club memberships. So why do we want a website (optional)? Because you’re now pulling organic traffic to your site, even while you sleep! If you feature C.W.I club memberships. Even just the standard monthly club membership of $49 NZD without local area Seminar/Meeting attendence. You’re going to get more Clients providing you with commissions!
Here’s one such platform. I created this a while ago and it’s getting an overhaul. It was created to be both easy to navigate and effective in attracting Clients. You can buy White Label Agency rights for it. Use your own domain name and add your affiliate products to the admin dashboard. It’s built in WordPress, so it’s easy to understand and the Dokan internal shopping platform is pre-configured. In fact, the entire website is and includes all the necessary plugins ready to go. Turn-key with its own firewall which blocks 99.9% of all hackers. In fact, for me it’s been 100%.
Review your DFY Affilate Store here
You would have to sign up too many Affiliates, in someone’s Multi-Tier Affiliate program, to make this kind of incredible wealth. Simply because you’re not maximising the returns with your own organic traffic pulling affiliate store.
Don’t let this put you off making use of our Affiliate Program. You can still make 6 and even 7 figures from it, even working just 36 minutes a day, 5 days a week. I’ve demonstrated how consistency can make this easy for you. Master this first, before progressing. I’ll be releasing my Master Course soon on how you can achieve the $70 Million mark. What’s more, you can start with just 18 individuals p.w plus your own website. Below, I’ll give you a brief on how you can go full time income within 90 days, by promoting C.W.I Memberships.

First, let’s take a look at how you can make a weekly living without selling a single product! Just by chatting online.
Imagine making a nice home brewed coffee, after getting up when you feel like it. You put in 36 minutes to 2 hours, depending on how much money you intend to gift to charity and also put towards your own goals. That’s it…your working day is done!
let’s take a look at how you can make a weekly living without selling a single product. Just by chatting online.
Use the standard time formula of 3 hours per week, spent on Facebook and Yahoo Groups, chatting with people socially. See above (under – Here’s The Proof).
Complete 3 full chats in 36 minutes (people who are genuinely interested).
5 days of 36 minute sessions are usually easier than 3 x 1 hour sessions over 3 days.
Averaging 3.6 complete chats x 5 days/nights = 18 completed chats.
We wish to achieve a weekly total of 18, so you’ll need to average 3.6 daily throughout the week, over 5 days/nights.
The good thing about working online is, the flexibility of being able to chat day or night and thus ‘make money online’, around the clock 24/7!
Let’s get back to the figures.
Let’s see how you can achieve a Full Time income, working only very part time (3 hours per week). This particular example differs in no way from our ‘go full time in 30 to 90 days’ plan with digital products. You’ll chat with enough individuals to achieve these numbers, from those that invest in C.W.I’s membership plans. What I’m showing you below is how to give up trusting solely in weekly product purchases from your clients. Let’s see what can be achieved instead from your 20% share of C.W.I’s monthly member’s fees!
We’ll take our figures over a maximum of 13 weeks. For this example our target audience has to be individuals within travel distance of any of our appointed club venues. That’s because your profit returns will depend upon your Clients moving up to the next membership level, from basic site membership which is Silver Membership.
You might live on the other side of the world. Yet the wonderful aspect of Affiliate Marketing is that you can filter the demographics within your campaign to achieve your target audience. Take a look at this filter for example, from one of our traffic providers.
For this example the closest demographic you’ll achieve is the whole of New Zealand. There are other traffic providers such as Google who allow you to target specific cities, such as Auckland, New Zealand.
Initial Return – Silver Membership Only
18 Clients spoken to over 13 weeks
18 x 13 = 234 potential Clients.
234 x 20% who join our site (remember: The Pareto Principle), = 47 site members @ $9.80 NZD (20% Of $49 monthly Membership).
47 Site Members x $9.80 = $460.60 Monthly
$460.60 / 4.333 weeks = $106.30 NZD Weekly
Next Return – Gold Membership
The client upgades to Gold Membership. Let’s flip the Pareto principle’s figures and say 80% of your existing Clients decide to take out a Gold Membership. It may not be to attend the local club meetings in their area. It could be that they want a higher level of access to Gold Member’s products and courses. 80% is realistic given the benefits.
80% x 47 = 38 Gold Members
20% Commission on $161.00 = $32.20
38 x $32.20 per month = $1,223.60 p/mth
You’ve almost tripled your return without bringing in any new members yet!
$1,223.60 ÷ 4.333 weeks = $282.39 p.w
Not a bad return at all. You’ve only invested 36 minutes a day, 5 days or nights a week for 13 weeks so far.
Next Return – Platinum Membership
The client upgades to Platinum Membership. Let’s flip the Pareto principle’s figures again and say 80% of your existing Clients decide to take out a Platinum Membership. It may not be to attend the local club meetings in their area. It could be that they want a higher level of access to Platinum Member’s products and courses.
80% x 38 = 30 Platinum Members
20% Commission on $199.00 = $39.80
30 x $39.80 per month = $1,194.00 p/mth
Because only 80% of our previous members are included in the figures here, your income drops a little.
$1,194.00 ÷ 4.333 weeks = $275.56
Still not a bad return. You’ve only invested 36 minutes a day, 5 days or nights a week for 13 weeks so far.
Final Return – Pro Membership
The client upgades to Pro Membership. Let’s flip the Pareto principle’s figures again and say 80% of your existing Clients decide to take out a Pro Membership. It may not be to attend the local club meetings in their area. It could be that they want a higher level of access to Pro Member’s products and courses.
80% x 30 = 24 Pro Members
20% Commission on $275.00 = $55.00
24 x $55.00 per month = $1,320.00 p/mth
You’ve recovered and achieved the highest profit return yet.
$1,320.00 ÷ 4.333 weeks = $304.64
Still not a bad return. You’ve only invested 36 minutes a day, 5 days or nights a week for 13 weeks so far.
Who doesn’t need an extra $15,841.28 per anum in their bank account right? Pro rata over 40 hours that works out to an additional $7.62 p/hr added to your current hourly wage!
Double your initial figures to 36 PM’s per week. Do the math and see what happens!
Because of attrition (some will leave throughout this period), you may need to adjust your averages to compensate. Although, it’s likely you’ll convert more than 20% of those you chat with anyway and easily recover from any attrition.
How To Accrue $70 Million In Just 12 Years From Just 108 People P.W Without Playing Powerball!

The Brief Breakdown
Let’s say, you increase the rate of individuals that you’re chatting with by 6 x more.
I‘m assuming that you have the time at this point and you should if you’ve practiced 3 hours per week, to be able to increase your time investment by at least 6 x more.
18 hours per week chatting online means you’re putting in about 3.6 hours a day. An easily achievable target.
180 minutes x 6 = 1,080 minutes ÷ 10 minutes = 108 clients PM’d. 108 x 52 weeks = 5,616 new clients. Your new premium buyers (gold nuggets) are 5,616 x 20% = 1,123 Clients
In just 1 year you already have at least 1,123 Affiliates who are your ‘gold nuggets’. That is to say, they are Affiliates who are ‘worth their weight in gold’.
High Ticket Item
Premium Buyers
To achieve this feat, you’re looking for people who are high ticket premium buyers. These are people who will spend at least $100 USD per week and trust me there are plenty out there. Just attend some of the high ticket free webinars and you’ll see for yourself. If you focused on big ticket items when you chatted with them, targeting a specific niche market, you will have found these gems. The good part? If you’ve been approved for their affiliate launch, you’ll have access to professional email swipes, banners, videos, landing page for the webinar. All DFY (done for you). You won’t have to spend a cent. Just chat online. If you’re professional and at this point you should be. Invite your list to a free webinar of your own, just to get them interested. Offering 2 or 3 webinars, increasing, thus incteasing your chances. Or just send them straight to the Promoter’s landing page. This usually introduces potential Clients to a free webinar to get them to buy an expensive course. This course is often presented with split payment options to make it easier for Clients to purchase.
Example: A number of top Affiliate Marketers will often sell a course on how to earm seven figures. Let’s say they charge $17,333.33 USD for this course and many will. Some will even charge more than this. Often around $25,000 for 101 professional coaching.
If your commission on this is 30%
$17,333.33 x 30% = $5,200
$5,200.00 ÷ 52 weeks = $100 USD p.w
You now have 1,123 clients who are considered ‘serious investors’, in the programs and products you’re offering when you chat online. They each average a weekly investment spend of $100 USD. Your 30% share of the sale.
1,123 Affiliates x $100 = $112,300
$112,300 x 624 weeks (12 years)= $70,075,200
Officially it’s actually 13 years because it takes 1 year to achieve that many Affiliates, from your initial 18 hours per week.
Yet, I haven’t included the extra year because…
- You’re earning money throughout that first year anyway
- Any Clients who leave througout the first year, let alone any year will be compensated by any extra Clients signed up, over and above our target for our buyers list. We’ve only taken 20% as our gold nuggets. Others will also purchase products, courses and services from you.
- In addition to this. Some of your Clients will spend more than our target investment of $100.USD each week!
NOT BAD EH…$70,000,000…WOW!!